Understanding Child Protection Procedures (Section 47 Enquiries) - Face to Face
Date & Time:
Target audience – all professionals that work with children and families in Walsall
Facilitated by – representatives from Children’s Social Care, Police, Health and Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
Legal threshold of significant harm
Gain an understanding of the legal frameworks that underpin safeguarding practice, including The Children Act 1989 and Working Together to Safeguard Children Guidance.
Strategy Meetings
Develop an insight into what needs to be considered before entering a Strategy Meeting, the agenda of a Strategy Meeting and how we work together to ensure the most appropriate professionals are invited/attend. You will have sight of local practice guidance that has been developed in Walsall and discussions will be held about timeframes, preparing for a Strategy Meeting and the decisions that are made within this arena.
The role of Statutory Partners (Social Care, Police and Health)
You will hear from each statutory partner about roles and responsibilities during a S.47 Enquiry. Each partner will talk about Child Protection Medicals, engaging with children and young people when harm has occurred, the role of Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) and Achieving Best Evidence (ABE) interviews.
S.47 Enquiry
Gain an understanding about the timeframes of a S.47 Enquiry and statutory timeframes when children are made subject to Child Protection Planning.