Advocacy (Care Act) - External eLearning


This eLearning module is FREE through Social Care Intitute for Excellence (SCIE)

What is it about?
Explore independent advocacy under the Care Act 2014

Who is it for?
All social care staff, including those working in initial contact centres.

Course content

  • Advocacy and the Care Act 2014
  • Establishing substantial difficulty
  • Effective advocacy
  • Safeguarding and advocacy
  • Links with other types of advocacy
  • Learning outcomes

    • Explain what independent advocacy means under the Care Act 2014
    • Identify when independent advocacy must be offered
    • Understand the concepts of ‘substantial difficulty’ and ‘appropriate person’ and how they apply to supporting a person’s involvement in the process and in decision-making
    • Determine the role of an independent advocate under the Act, and the potential benefits of their involvement
    • Be aware of other statutory advocacy services, and to understand the differences between independent advocacy under the Care Act 2014 and other types of statutory advocacy
    • Recognise what can be expected from independent advocacy services that are commissioned locally


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